A Note from our Dean of Formation

Hi Rebels! 

As the Dean of Formation, I'm blessed to accompany young people through some of the most formative years of their lives. When you reflect on your time at 1000 McNeilly Road, what shaped your experience here? Who or what had an impact on your success? Perhaps it was an interaction with a beloved staff member, like Mr. Manear, Mrs. Heintz, or Mr. Palmer. It could be an athletic achievement, either as an individual or on an SLS team. Or maybe it was a collective effort of the community to serve others.

These wonderful formative moments happen every day at Seton LaSalle! One of the most life-giving initiatives I can share with you regarding formation has been an intentional adjustment to our service program. We've shifted from a quantitative approach of counting hours to a more qualitative experience. One opportunity has allowed us to partner with the Red Door, a Catholic food bank ministry for the poor that has existed for almost 100 years in Pittsburgh! Students have the opportunity to both make and serve food as well as assist them in finding suitable clothing donations. Through student reflections, we have found this to be a deeply meaningful and formative experience in solidarity with the poor.

How can you help? Please pray for the continued success of our students and their service work so that we can all continue to build up the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, especially in our Seton LaSalle community.


