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Seton LaSalle Academic Scholarship

Seton LaSalle offers academic scholarships to high-achieving students who took the placement test and received a composite score in the 85th percentile or higher.

This scholarship cannot be combined with the J.L.Merrick Scholarship. A student is welcome to apply to both scholarships, but if he/she is selected as a J.L. Merrick Recipient or Honorable Mention, the family would choose which scholarship they wish to retain. Deadline: March 1, 2025

Review the essay topic options below. Select one topic and write an essay in response to the prompt. The essay should be between 250-500 words. Important: Please be sure to put your name at the top of the essay.

Essay Topics:

  • OPTION 1: What is your favorite subject to learn about (in school or of personal interest)? Were you always interested in this subject matter or when did your interest first develop and why? What are one or two aspects of the subject that you find the most interesting?

  • OPTION 2: Describe a time when you had to overcome a challenge. What was the situation? How did you work through it? What were the main factors that enabled you to ultimately have a positive result? What did you learn from the experience?

  • OPTION 3: What is one of your short-term or long-term goals? Why is it meaningful to you? What are steps that you have taken to work towards this goal? What keeps you motivated to keep moving forward?


Upload your essay*
If you have trouble uploading your essay, please send it to Bridgette Kennedy-Riske at [email protected]
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or drag it here.
Upload a copy of your latest report card.*
You may scan or take a photo of the report card, either format is acceptable.
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or drag it here.

You do not need to submit your placement test scores because we have them on file.

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