Campus Ministry

Seton LaSalle desires to support every student's complete personal growth, helping them discover the unique purpose for their lives and become all that God has created them to be. Our Campus Ministry program hopes to animate this by providing opportunities for students to encounter Jesus Christ through His Church and deepen their relationship with Him. We do this through animating three fundamental Catholic beliefs:
  • God is in all things
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” All things that we experience are born out of incarnational moments. When we adopt this sacramental worldview, the world and our experience of it is intertwined with the divine, allowing us to recognize Christ in our lives and actively seek him each day.
  • We are made for each other 
“And then God said, “it is not good for man to be alone.” We recognize that the human person fully flourishes when they are in a safe and loving environment. Our culture of ministry is one of solidarity; as Rebels we recognize our wounded, sinful nature and persist in lifting one another up, while the rest of the world tears each other down. We acknowledge the inherent value and dignity of the human person, exercising compassion and service to all that we meet.
  • We are people of light
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” We recognize that the light of Christ is in each of us and that it is our duty to share this light with the darkness of the world. As Christians, we desire to be known by the work of our hands and the sharing of our joy, not by superficial, secular standards. 


Much like the development of the human person, Campus Ministry is an ongoing project as it strives to create and consider new ideas to better respond to the spiritual needs of the students.  The Campus Ministry program is overseen by the Dean of Formation, Liturgical Coordinator, and two chaplains, along with the support and collaboration of many passionate and faithful faculty and staff. They seek to sustain a sacramental worldview and promote a culture of service that is meaningful to the student and promotes the common good while carrying on the work that began with our patron saints. 
St. John Baptist De LaSalle, Pray for us!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pray for us!